System Administrator's Guide .
All system operations can be controlled when Clubi is logged in as an administrator. For example: нь: Directly manage system operations such as adding and editing branches and services, creating classes, changing class information, adding clients to classes, editing and deleting client information, etc. With the help of this manual, you will get a complete understanding of the system.
Enter the username and password registered in the system in the phone number and password fields.
- The number of registered customers since the start of using the system
- The number of new customers registered in the system that month
- The number of customers attending courses registered in the system in a given month
- Number of classes in the month
- Total study hours for the month
- The total number of absences for that month
- The number of instructors (instructors) attending classes in the given month
- Monthly sales amount and receivables
- Total receivables accrued
Clubi > Branches window, there is a list of branches registered in the system. From this section you can add and edit branches.
Click on (1) to add branch. Edit a branch, click on the button (2) of the branch to be edited. Field (*) must be filled in the field add and edit window.
You can set (1) which Qpay account you want to accept payments at the branch. If there are many halls within the branch, the halls are registered one by one in the hall section. (3) button to create a new room, (2) button to delete the created room
Add service and edit window are the same, click (1) button to add service. But when editing or deleting a service, click on the service (2) button. Field (*) must be filled in the add and edit service window.
In the add and edit service window (1) or active is the setting to use or not to use the service to create classes. If set to disabled, the service cannot be used to create classes.
Clubi > Teachers window, there is a list of teachers registered in the system. You can add, edit and delete teachers. You can see the schedule of the teacher's completed and active classes..
To add a teacher, click (1). But when editing or deleting a teacher, click on the button (2) of that teacher. (3) Click on the button to see the information about the teacher's current and completed classes.
Add, edit and delete teachers
- Admin or manager type of rights to manage all system operations
- Administrator rights work at the administrator level, with others who do not see financial information
- A faculty type can only enter and track attendance information for their class.
When restricting admin and teacher access to the system, disable button (2) or the button with access to the system. It can be configured so that the teacher's information is not displayed on the client app (3) even if it is entered into the system.
Teacher's schedule

Clubi > Class window, there is a list of classes registered in the system. You can add and copy classes, edit and delete classes.
To add a class, click (1). To edit or delete the data of the created class, click on the green edit button and the red delete button of the class. Classes can be sorted by options (2) such as active, completed, inactive, and not started. (3) button or copy button creates a new class exactly the same. (4) click on the button to view the details of the class, the class schedule, and input information, as well as the customers who are actively studying, the customers who will study in the future, and the customers who have completed the class. You can also add clients to a class from the class details window.
- Choose from the services registered in the system
- Choose from branches registered in the system
- Give class names that are different from other classes (Example: 10:00 AM on odd days, etc.)
- Choose a teacher to teach the class, you can choose several teachers.
- Write the class details
- Insert a picture relevant to the class
Class with a hard schedule
- Class/Training session (in minutes)
- The total number of entries for how many sessions
- Class/Training Start Date
- Weekly lesson schedule
- Class/Tuition fee information, and have the opportunity to attend courses with the free option
- Setting whether to sell via mobile app
- Class/Training period, customers rate the class and leave comments
A type with a time limit
- Whether the Class/Training status is visible to the client
- Class/Training session (in minutes)
- Weekly lesson schedule
- Class/Training Payment Options (Monthly or Daily)
- Duration of Class/ Tuition fee period (1 month, 14 days, 21 days, etc.)
- Is there a possibility to attend the course without paying a one-time fee
- Class/Tuition Fees
- Setting whether to sell via mobile app
- Delete payment information button
- Class/Training has more than one payment terms, the button to add another payment terms (For example: 14 days 50,000 togrog, 1 month 100,000 togrog, 3 months 250,000, etc.)
- Class/Training period, customers rate the class and leave comments
A type with input limit
- Whether the Class/Training status is visible to the client
- Class/Training session (in minutes)
- Weekly lesson schedule
- Number of Class/Tuition Duration Slots (12, 24, 36, etc.)
- Is there a possibility to attend the course without paying a one-time fee
- Class/Tuition Fees
- Setting whether to sell via mobile app
- If the Class/Training has more than one payment terms, the button to add another payment terms (For example: 12 s 50,000 Tog, 24 s 100,000 Tog, 36 s 250,000, etc.)
- Delete payment information button
- Class/Training period, customers rate the class and leave comments
- Button to close enrollment, edit and delete general class information
- Number of clients currently studying in the class
- Customer information
Current – In classes created with input-limited and time-limited types, entries are delimited by a dashed line (number 5) between incomplete and completed individuals.
Names are displayed for easy renewal of customers whose login has expired. Also, the purpose is to know if the client who has completed his input does not know that his input has been completed and continues to come to the training. The entry shows the completed description (number 7).
Before – To remove from the list the name of a customer who will not actually attend this class in the future, use the button to remove from the class (number 6). This is just an action to make the client's name no longer visible. All previous customer registrations will be saved in the system. The information of the client who was previously in this class, which is not visible in the list, can be seen in the previous section (number 3).
If the customer extend again and continues, it will appear back in the class list.
4. Search for customers from the class
8. Add client to class from admin
9. Class entry schedule
10. If the lesson is postponed using the button to not work, use the add input button (number 12) in case of making up.
11. Changing or adding a teacher
12. When you write a comment by entering your non-working day, it will be displayed on the schedule of class clients. Attention customers.
13. The action of closing this class will not continue and will not be visible in the customer's shopping area. Services that have already started will end normally.
Admin to add to class

Clubi -> Class -> Class details window -> Add to class button
Clicking on the add to class button will show all customers who have downloaded and registered the app. From there, after selecting the user to add, the information related to payment registration will be recorded.
! In case of multiple additions, make sure to keep the amount of input payment the same.
Class client payment registration
Click on register payment according to that user line and the below window will appear.
- Enter the amount paid
- Date of payment
- Select the form of payment and write additional comments related to the payment.
As you can see in the window, the customer has 2 payment options
- Log in to the bank app and scan the QR code
- By clicking Send to Admin Phone, the Qpay claim will be sent to the customer's registered number via sms. The customer can pay by logging in via the link and selecting the bank they want to use.
Delete hard schedule class

Хугацааны болон оролтын хязгаартай хуваариар үүсгэсэн ангийг устгах
- Button to insert customer photo
- Enter an active phone number
- Enter an active phone number
- A unique number that can be assigned by the system to each customer (can be manually assigned outside of the system)
- Enter the information of 2 emergency contact persons
- Tags categorize your customers by primary, intermediate, or class. This is then used to send alerts and messages.
Attendance registration and replenishment of clients
Payment information
You can continue by selecting Clubi > Payment Information window.
- Payment
- Unpayment fee
- Qpay requests
- Refunds
Send information to the costumer
There are 2 ways to send information to your customers.
- Send a message
- Send an alert
You can send long text messages or pictures via the message menu. You can attach up to 4 photos at a time. You can send information to everyone registered in the system by selecting All.
You can search and send information in more detail to the people you want to send information from (1). For example: the name of the class you are studying, the balance of payment, etc
There are 2 ways to set up Qpay in the system.
- Branches
- Class
If the 1st account is configured for the branch, the 2nd account can be configured in the class settings. In this case, it jumps to Qpay, which is configured on the class.
- Admin or manager type of rights to manage all system operations
- Administrator rights work at the administrator level, with others who do not see financial information
- A faculty type can only enter and track attendance information for their class.
Class schedule

Branch schedule

- Changed start date (Picture 1)
- Payment removed (Picture 2)
- Payment transferred (Picture 3)
- Changed client (Picture 4)
- Class transfer logs are saved. (Picture 5)