New theme from Mikado
Since January 2018, KUNZ LLC has established the "Kim Education Center" for students who want to learn Korean, and who want to study and work in Korea with a scholarship. is taught by professional teachers according to an intensive program. Kim bolovsrolyn töv ni 2019 onoos ekhlen üil ajillagaagaa telj BNSU-yn Ikh deed surguuliudad khelnii beltgel, bakalavr, magistr, doktoryn surgaltand zuuchilj ekhleed baina. 2018 ony 6-r saryn 20-nd Khyatad khelnii günzgiirüülsen surgalttai “KÜNZ BAGA SURGUULI” baiguulagdaj amjilttai üil ajillagaa yavuulj baina. Since 2019, Kim Education Center has expanded its activities and started providing language training, bachelor's, master's, and doctorate courses at universities in South Korea. On June 20, 2018, "CONFUS PRIMARY SCHOOL" with in-depth Chinese language training was established and is successfully operating.